eWomenNetwork program explores positioning as an expert through writing a book

Randy Peyser, book editor, authors’ representative and president of Author One Stop will offer essential information for anyone who wants to get published at the May 16, 2018 eWomenNetwork Reno/Carson/Tahoe networking dinner event.
The May, 2018, eWomenNetwork Reno/Carson/Tahoe Chapter networking dinner event is for anyone who has a book idea and needs help in getting it out. Presenter and book editor Randy Peyser helps entrepreneurs solidify their reputations, build their brands, attract media attention and stand out above the competition through publishing. The “Position yourself as an expert by writing a book” presentation takes place 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (informal networking begins at 5 p.m.), Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at the Hidden Valley Country Club, 3575 Hidden Valley Drive in Reno.
Peyser will discuss:
- Simple formats to write a salable book.
- What topics are hot and what topics are not.
- What to do and what not to do to gain the attention of an agent or publisher.
- How to market a book once it’s published.
Peyser edits and ghostwrites books and markets manuscripts to literary agents and publishers. Her clients have been featured in O Magazine and Time and on the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller lists. She is the author of The Write-a-Book Program, The Power of Miracle Thinking and Crappy to Happy, which was featured in the hit movie, “Eat Pray Love.”
The event includes dinner, no-host wine and beer, eWomenNetwork’s trademarked Accelerated Networking™ and a business expo. Vendor tables are available. Cost for the event is $45 for eWomenNetwork members, $55 for guests and $95 for non-members registered by May 13. Late registration is $55 for members, $65 for guests and $115 for non-members.
eWomenNetwork is the world’s largest women’s business event organization, connecting and promoting women and their businesses, offering Accelerated Networking™ and other resources designed to build relationships and success. For more information or to register for this event, visit ewomennetwork.com/chapters/reno-carson-tahoe-574, or call 775-391-2231.