eWomenNetwork program presents tips for entrepreneurs to “Speak up to move up”

Liz Goodgold is a branding expert, speaker and trainer specializing in working with entrepreneurs to speak with confidence and competence.
The next eWomenNetwork Reno/Carson/Tahoe Chapter networking dinner event addresses both a universal fear and essential skill for people in business: speaking to groups – or to anyone new. The “Speak up to move up” presentation takes place 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (informal networking begins at 5 p.m.), Wednesday, July 18, 2018, at the Hidden Valley Country Club, 3575 Hidden Valley Drive in Reno.
“Entrepreneurs must speak with confidence and competence to get noticed, get ahead and even get the business,” said presenter Liz Goodgold. In this interactive program, Goodgold discusses how to harness the power of voice for success, giving her audiences the power to:
- Identify phrases that undermine credibility
- Control and moderate voice to gain respect and attention
- Kick to the curb speech patterns that lower worth and actually cost entrepreneurs to lose business
- Know the one question that must be asked at the end of every meeting
Liz Goodgold is a branding and speaking expert who has coached more than 200 employees and presented to more than 15,000 audience members. Goodgold shows her clients how to “brand out to stand out” and cash in on their expertise to get rewarded and promoted. She is the author of three books: How to Speak Gooder, Red Fire Branding: Create a Hot Personal Brand to Have Customers for Life and DUH! Marketing. She was the branding columnist for Entrepreneur magazine, reaching more than 1.1 million readers each month.
The event includes dinner, no-host wine and beer, eWomenNetwork’s trademarked Accelerated Networking™ and a business expo. Vendor tables are available. Cost for the event is $45 for eWomenNetwork members, $55 for guests and $95 for non-members registered by July 15. Late registration is $65 for members, $75 for guests and $115 for non-members.
eWomenNetwork is the world’s largest women’s business event organization, connecting and promoting women and their businesses, offering Accelerated Networking™ and other resources designed to build relationships and success. For more information or to register for this event, visit ewomennetwork.com/chapters/reno-carson-tahoe-574, or call Managing Director Alexanne Stone at 775-391-2231.